Officials stated that Polish truck drivers stopped highways to three Ukrainian border crossings today to protest what they regard as government inactivity over the loss of business to foreign competitors since Russia’s war in Ukraine
POLAND, NOV 07 (Telegraph News) — Truckers from Ukraine have been prevented from obtaining permits to cross the Polish border since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, according to Polish truckers, while corporations from Russia and Belarus have established Polish entities.
Their demands include reintroducing restrictions on the number of trucks registered in Ukraine entering Poland and prohibiting transport businesses with capital outside the European Union from operating in the country.
“We are protesting because of disruptions in road transport for Polish transporters … caused by the uncontrolled flow of Belarusian, Russian, and Ukrainian companies … those with eastern capital,” said Karol Rychlik, a transport company owner and also the head of the association. of transport, while protesting near the Dorohusk crossing.
Leaders have compared their situation to Polish farmers, who won concessions from the government after complaining about a flood of cheap Ukrainian grain imports.