Wed. Mar 5th, 2025

NATO is significantly strengthening its troop presence in Kosovo

Next to the Ukraine war, it is THE trouble spot in Europe: the Kosovo conflict!

Following the recent violence in Kosovo, NATO has increased its force deployment by several hundred soldiers.

The relevant authority in Naples, Italy, announced the deployment of numerous forces to the little Balkan country.

According to military sources in Brussels, the group numbered roughly 700 troops. That means a tremendous boost!

A dog lies down on the ground in front a razor wire fence and NATO Kosovo Force (KFOR) soldiers in the town of
Leposavic, Kosovo, June 5, 2023. REUTERS/Fatos Bytyci

Another unit of the operational reserve has been activated. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has stated that “NATO will remain vigilant.”

Currently stationed are around 3,800 NATO-led KFOR protection force personnel, including approximately 70 Germans.

Background: On Monday, there were major disturbances in Kosovo’s Serb-populated north. Militant Serbs attacked KFOR forces in Zvecan with incendiary devices and stones. Tear gas and shock grenades were employed.

Injuries were sustained by 30 Italian and Hungarian soldiers, as well as more than 50 Serbs.

“The risk of local escalation is considerable,” Dr. Konrad Clewing of the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Research tells BILD.

“An action by official Serbian units against KFOR – i.e. beyond the Serbian border in Kosovar territory – remains unlikely.”

Check also: Turkey to send troops to Kosovo

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