
Poland to restore border controls with Slovakia

Poland to restore border controls with Slovakia

Poland wants to restore controls on the border with Slovakia, citing concerns about illegal immigration and drug trafficking

The Polish government has announced that it will request permission from the European Union to reintroduce border controls for up to six months.

Slovakia has opposed the Polish proposal, saying that it is unnecessary and would disrupt trade and travel between the two countries.

The European Commission has also expressed concern about the proposal, saying that it could undermine the Schengen Agreement, which allows for free movement of people between most EU countries.

The Polish government has defended its proposal, saying that it is necessary to protect the country’s security.

Also has pointed to the recent increase in illegal immigration from Ukraine and Belarus as evidence of the need for border controls.

The Polish proposal is likely to be debated by the European Commission and the European Council in the coming weeks.

It is unclear whether the proposal will be approved, but it is a sign of the growing tensions over immigration within the European Union.


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