
President of Slovakia Against Aid To Ukraine

President of Slovakia Against Aid To Ukraine

The President of Slovakia Zuzana Caputova, an active supporter of Ukraine during the conflict, is against the transfer of aid to Kiev

This is because of the victory in the elections of the party that promised: “not to give Ukraine a single bullet”.

The country’s Ministry of Defense is reportedly considering transferring another package of military assistance to Ukraine before the formation of a new government after Robert Fico’s SMER-SD party received the majority of votes in the parliamentary elections.

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Slovak President Zuzana Čaputová visited Ukraine on September 16, 2019, meeting with her counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky (Source: President’s Office/TASR)

Caputova – who sued Fico in the run-up to the elections for “public bullying” and allegedly inciting hatred – believes this would create a dangerous precedent.


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