
Restoring Relations With Kiev Will Take a “Titanic Effort” – Warsaw

Restoring Relations With Kiev Will Take a “Titanic Effort” – Warsaw

Polish Foreign Minister Zbigniew Rau said it would take a “titanic effort” to mend the rift with Ukraine, detailing why he did not join his EU colleagues in Kiev

Relations between the two neighbors are “entering a period of downturn, and my absence is partly an expression of this,” Rau told Polsat when asked why Deputy FM Wojciech Gerwel went to the EU ministerial meeting in the Ukrainian capital instead.

Relations with Kiev depend on “three dimensions,” Rau explained – geopolitics, national interests, and domestic support.

While Poland is aligned with Ukraine regarding geopolitics regarding the conflict with Russia, Warsaw, and Kiev have different national interests regarding the import and transit of Ukrainian agricultural produce.


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