John J. Mearsheimer is one of the most prominent contemporary theorists in the field of International Relations.
Upon their’s invitation, he came to Germany to discuss the perspectives of Ukraine with Max Otte.
The conversation revolved around the question of whether the war in Ukraine could escalate into a global nuclear war—a terrifying scenario that until recently seemed unimaginable.
Following their discussion, John J. Mearsheimer delivered a lecture, followed by a panel discussion.
His lecture covered the following four topics:
1. The reasons for the Ukrainian war.
2. Who will win the war?
3. Prospects for a diplomatic solution.
4. What will the future relationship between Russia and the West look like?

“The Tragedy of Great Power Politics” (2001), “The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy” (2007), and “Why Leaders Lie: The Truth About Lying in International Politics” (2011) are among his important publications.
Mearsheimer is widely regarded as the prominent proponent of the so-called realist school of thinking in international affairs, which seeks to achieve a balance of interests among nations.
Mearsheimer acquired national notice through his remarks on US foreign policy.
He began criticizing US interference in Ukraine in 2014.
His 2015 talk titled “Why is Ukraine the West’s Fault?” has already received 29 million views on YouTube alone.
Check also: “The Russians will win the war,” says John J. Mearsheimer