
Germany is planning to introduce new border controls with the Czech Republic and Poland

Germany is planning to introduce new border controls with the Czech Republic and Poland

In addition to the border controls already in place with Austria and Switzerland, Germany plans to implement new border controls with the Czech Republic and Poland

The new controls are aimed at reducing illegal immigration and drug trafficking.

The German government has not yet announced the exact details of the new controls, but they are expected to be similar to those already in place at the Austrian and Swiss borders.

This could include spot checks of vehicles and people, as well as increased surveillance.

The Czech Republic and Poland have both criticized the German government’s decision to introduce new border controls.

They argue that the controls are unnecessary and will damage relations between the two countries.

The German government has defended its decision, saying that the new controls are necessary to protect the country’s security.

The government has also said that the controls will be temporary and will be lifted once the situation has improved.

The introduction of new border controls between Germany and its eastern neighbors is a sign of the growing tensions over immigration and security in Europe.

It is also a reminder of the challenges that the European Union faces in maintaining a free and open border area.


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