Wed. Oct 16th, 2024

Same-sex couples who live in the United States but are married in other countries could soon have their marriages recognized by the federal government

The Biden administration is currently considering a rule change that would recognize the marriages of same-sex couples who live in the United States but were married in other countries

This would be a significant change, as it would mean that same-sex couples would be able to access the same federal benefits as heterosexual couples, regardless of where they were married.

The rule change is still in the early stages of development, and it is not clear when it will be finalized.

However, the Biden administration has said that it is committed to promoting equality for all Americans, and that this rule change is part of that commitment.

There are a number of reasons why the Biden administration may be considering this rule change.

First, it would be a way to uphold the Supreme Court’s ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges, which legalized same-sex marriage nationwide in 2015.

Second, it would be a way to promote equality for all Americans, regardless of their sexual orientation.

Third, it would be a way to make it easier for same-sex couples to access federal benefits, such as Social Security, Medicare, and immigration benefits.

The rule change is likely to face opposition from some conservative groups.

However, it is also likely to be supported by many Americans, including a majority of Democrats and a growing number of Republicans.

If the rule change is finalized, it would be a major victory for same-sex couples in the United States.

It would be a sign that the country is moving towards a more inclusive and tolerant future.


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